"https://xedapdientot.com/we-got-married-taemin-ep-8/imager_4_7981_700.jpg data-medium-file="https://xedapdientot.com/we-got-married-taemin-ep-8/imager_4_7981_700.jpghttps://xedapdientot.com.files.xedapdientot.com.com/2013/06/fg18em74.jpg?w=300"https://xedapdientot.com/we-got-married-taemin-ep-8/imager_4_7981_700.jpg data-large-file="https://xedapdientot.com/we-got-married-taemin-ep-8/imager_4_7981_700.jpghttps://xedapdientot.com.files.xedapdientot.com.com/2013/06/fg18em74.jpg?w=700"https://xedapdientot.com/we-got-married-taemin-ep-8/imager_4_7981_700.jpg />

This episode reveals how Naeun has improved her cooking tremendously – 2 weeks of dorm room training with her members. Taemin is left speechless after realizing the trouble Naeun went through lớn remedy her disastrous cooking skills. They are then surprised by the early arrival of Shinee’s MinHo and Key, who bombard their way into the house through the window. They start with introductions before Minho & Key continually tease Taemin. They have a meal, và despite Naeun’s hard work, the first dish is lamented lớn be too salty, và the second one, khổng lồ have raw carrots. They reveal some secrets over the dinner table, including the fact that whilst Taemin chose Naeun lớn be his ideal type, she chose another member from Shinee instead – this being Jong Hyun.

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Note: Part 1 starts at 10:10

Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3

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This entry was posted in Naeun & Taemin Couple, We Got Married và tagged Apink, Choi Minho, Key, Lee Taemin, Naeun, Shinee, Taemin, We Got Married, WGM. Bookmark the permalink.Post navigation
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